Bloody Amazing are a teacher-led social enterprise based in Scotland, who aim to make period education part of the curriculum in Scottish schools, including all that comes with it- hormones, emotions, preparing for menopause and how to ensure you can access the best healthcare for you. We believe that all women, girls and others with periods have the right to find out about their bodies, what to expect during their cycle, problems to be aware of, how to advocate for themselves and how to prepare for their future.
Therefore, we aim to make information on this website easy to navigate, clear and applicable to a wide range of people. We believe everyone should know what a healthy period looks like and how to support others, whether or not they are personally impacted!
We also believe in the importance of ending stigma when it comes to talking about periods and other issues that impact our bodies. Menstruation and menopause impact more than half of the population and should not be a source of shame.
We believe that all language and information regarding menstrual health should be clear, simple, age appropriate and backed by science and medicine. We believe that having clear, concise information leads to people making empowered decisions about their first period-to-menopause healthcare. All questions are important and welcomed.
Periods impact 51% of the world's population and directly and indirectly connect everyone in the world. We believe that menstrual and menopause education is a birthright for all , whether they are directly impacted or not. Talking about our diverse experiences helps dismantle menstrual stigma and fosters empowerment.
We believe that looking after yourself, especially during your period should be done in a way that is sustainable but not too onerous of you. We also aspire to provide information and links to products that are as environmentally sustainable as possible and can be used and re-used for years to come.
We believe that all information should appeal to as many different people as possible who are impacted by issues relating to menstruation and menopause, regardless of gender identity, age, race, or disability. We believe that information should be free and accessible to all who need it and easily sharable.