At Bloody Amazing, we understand that working in healthcare is extremely challenging at the moment and that many practitioners - from GP's to consultant gynecologists' are simply doing what they can to prop up a crumbling system. This page is not to shame anyone.
We also know that women and others with periods can face unique challenges around appointments and referrals to specialists, particularly feeling like they have been listened to, considered and taken seriously. Around 1 in 10 may experience some kind of period problem and due to lack of education or other barriers may think that their symptoms are normal or to be expected. Some may wait up to a decade for their period problem to be acknowledged and diagnosed, many will not receive a diagnosis until they have seen a specialist more than once. We know what something needs to change to restore faith and parity in healthcare.
That our problem is very real to us. Even if it sounds small or easy to solve to you, or it's something that you've seen a lot of times before.
That we know our body best. We have likely spoken to other individuals with similar or the same concern. We may be armed with knowledge or we might be too overwhelmed to have reached out to anyone.
That when we are nervous or in the company of someone we deem to be an authority figure or a professional, we may clam up or minimise the problem.
That most people who come to you to talk about a period or (peri)menopause concern might be embarrassed, ashamed or may face a cultural barrier, please be considerate of our needs and don’t rush us through an appointment.
That women’s health is still under-researched, under-funded and we are only just starting to document the impact of certain drugs on women.
To take us seriously. We have a right to see a specialist, even if you don’t think it warrants it. Your job is to help us, not to gatekeep our healthcare